What can a boy who becomes a teenager all by himself do? A boy who is afraid of priests and lives in a house in the company o f ghosts? Who runs from school even though he is afraid of nothing? What can he do if war steps in his life of solitude? Nothing, or maybe everything.
Traduzione di Carmelo Massimo Tidona
Giada Guidotti
Traduzione di Carmelo Massimo Tidona
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New episode of the series "Nocturnal".
A new, complex police investigation for Sylke. More complex than the usual...
Traduzione di Carmelo Massimo Tidona
Carmelo Massimo Tidona
Prezzo di vendita dell'ebook: GRATIS (ePub, Mobi)
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Traduzione a cura di
Carmelo Massimo Tidona
Waking up early, getting on the old bus to go to work. Every day the same people, with the same behaviours. Bordering on come dy, absurd, unsustainable. A journey spent criticizing others, until the final surprise.
Enzo D'Andrea
Prezzo di vendita dell'ebook: GRATIS (ePub, Mobi)
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Quest'opera partecipa a ZEd Lab ed è in attesa di ELABORAZIONI.
ebook in Inglese.
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Traduzione a cura di
Carmelo Massimo Tidona
Giulia is fifteen-years old and she has the doubts of all teenagers, a nickname given her by her father, "cheeky fa ce", and a present-day family, with recently split-up parents, dealing with the economic crisis. Her rebellious presonality and innate sense of humor make of her a character waiting to be discovered. Also for her psychoanalyst.
Carmelo Massimo Tidona
Prezzo di vendita dell'ebook: GRATIS (ePub, Mobi)
ebook in Inglese
Quest'opera partecipa a ZEd Lab ed è in attesa di ELABORAZIONI.
ebook in Inglese.
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Traduzione a cura di
Carmelo Massimo Tidona
Episode #3 series "Nocturnal"
Grace Elmond is one of the best known authorized necromancers in Tejarak,
owner of an exclusive clinic which is increasingly lacking patients. When, on top of this, one of her employees dies in a misteryous way that looks like an attempt to frame her, she decides to take matters in her hands, and finds herself involved in more than she bargained for.
Carmelo Massimo Tidona
Prezzo di vendita dell'ebook: GRATIS (ePub, Mobi)
ebook in Inglese
Quest'opera partecipa a ZEd Lab ed è in attesa di ELABORAZIONI.
ebook in Inglese.
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