Experimental translation by Sharon Button
Traduzione di Carmelo Sharon Button
Claudio Paganini
Traduzione di Sharon Button
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Futura is pregnant for the second time, and to Patrick it seems that their world is perfect, but news from the past might upset everything. Patrick is indeed contacted by one ex girlfriend, Arlene, who confesses having an almost-teenage daughter who might be his. He has no courage to disclose this to his wife. But there are also other news heralding pain. Futura and Patrick have been for years pen pals with Luis, on death row in Alabama for a manslaughter committed fifteen years ago under the influence of drugs. Now his trial is complete, and his execution scheduled right for the day when Futura should give birth to her daughter. Only Mac, a friend of Patrick and Futura, as well as a VIP, might have some chance to obtain a pardon for Luis, but first he must put his prejudice aside.
Traduzione di Carmelo Massimo Tidona
Elena Genero Santoro
Traduzione di Carmelo Massimo Tidona
Prezzo di vendita dell'ebook: GRATIS (ePub, Mobi)
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The use of the K222 preservative by the Sugary Treats causes in the population a food intolerance that triggers a fiery hunger for human flesh. Sweets containing K222 are recalled from the market, but the preservative, having accumulated for years in people's body, causes an increasing number of victims. A pest control company smells a deal and opens a new department for the elimination of polluteds, that is people who developed the infective K222 intolerance.
Traduzione di Carmelo Massimo Tidona
Giustina Gnasso
Traduzione di Carmelo Massimo Tidona
Horror, splatter
Prezzo di vendita dell'ebook: GRATIS (ePub, Mobi)
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When Ahmad, an agent of the Iranian Security Services, explores the conjecture that is coming out from his mental disorder, he is left breathless. He is pursuing Markar Kazemian, a nuclear engineer on the run from Iran along with his family, also contended by a team including Helen, a former U.S. Army junkie who hoped to become an elite specialist by joining a secret project of the Research Division of the CIA. As soon as the pursuit reaches Italy, Helen is forced to face the ambiguity of her best friend, Carmen, and becomes the object of the desire of Robert, an agent of the Italian secret services, triggering the jealousy of his wife. But things are not what they seem; the chase opens u p new, unthinkable scenarioes, and when technology and nightmare melt in a crescendo full of twists, a terrible truth emerges, making the fates of the proitagonists converge. Helen could escape, but she choses to complete what became her mission, aware that this might lead her to death. A death she already looked in the eyes in her nightmares.
Traduzione di Carmelo Massimo Tidona
Antonio Traficante
Traduzione di Carmelo Massimo Tidona
Prezzo di vendita dell'ebook: GRATIS (ePub, Mobi)
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The fifth episode of Notturno, by Carmelo Massimo Tidona
Traduzione di Carmelo Massimo Tidona
Carmelo Massimo Tidona
Traduzione di Carmelo Massimo Tidona
Prezzo di vendita dell'ebook: GRATIS (ePub, Mobi)
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ebook in inglese
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