Tagged with "english"
Infected zone Tags: horror english

La maledizione dei Lawrence #3

The use of the K222 preservative by the Sugary Treats causes in the population a food intolerance that triggers a fiery hunger for human flesh. Sweets containing K222 are recalled from the market, but the preservative, having accumulated for years in people's body, causes an increasing number of victims. A pest control company smells a deal and opens a new department for the elimination of polluteds, that is people who developed the infective K222 intolerance.

Traduzione di Carmelo Massimo Tidona


Giustina Gnasso
Traduzione di Carmelo Massimo Tidona
Horror, splatter

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I killed Bambi Tags: thriller inglese english

Traduzione a cura di
Carmelo Massimo Tidona

Silvia and Deborah are two students like many others. They love music and joints, not so much school and rules. One day, they go into their classroom, at their high school in the heart of Rome, and start shooting on their classmates. The first to fall is Eleonora, punished because she was considered the most brilliant and the most beautiful of the students. Other young people will die with her, according to a very precise list that Silvia and Deborah have been preparing for a long time. A real slaughter like those that occur in American colleges or in northern Europe. Except that, for the first time, the shooters are two girls. "I killed Bambi" is the history of this dramatic episode of female bullying, but it is also a journey inside the mind of a teenager, split between anxiety and anger, without references and prospects for the future, like many young people of her generation. A unique novel in its kind, a novel that "begins with the end"...

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Carla Cucchiarelli
Thriller, juvenile crime

Prezzo di vendita dell'ebook: GRATIS (ePub, Mobi)

ebook in Inglese

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Commenti recenti
"E' un libro che si lascia leggere velocemente, fa "vedere" le situazioni descritte con una..."
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"È  un libro che si lascia leggere velocemente e che fa "vedere" le situazioni..."
In: Nel cuore e nell'Arma
"E' un libro molto forte e con termini molto dettagliati. A volte intriso..."
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